Who is Crissy Outlaw?
Crissy was molested at the age of 4...a pattern that would continue through her childhood and teen years. Crissy was 12 years old when her father’s erratic behavior and alcoholism tore her family apart. She often felt confused because she was raised with the belief that sex was for marriage and, since her father said he would kill anyone who touched her, Crissy kept it a secret. As a teen, she rarely saw her father. He would disappear and would not call. She lived with her mother and stepdad while a teenage. She suffered from depression, rebelled, and became sexually active. At the age of 17, Crissy discovered she was pregnant. With no support, Crissy was taken to get an abortion. She was broken.
In her early twenties, Crissy lived with several different boyfriends, all who broke her heart. Most boyfriends used porn, leaving her feeling as though she just couldn’t measure up. Pressured to look better, she had her breasts augmented. After endless breakups, and at an all time low, Crissy started online dating, traveling from state to state to meet up with various men. She couldn’t bear to be alone because her one dream in life was to be a wife and a mother. Grasping for any sense of control, she used sex as a way to try to keep the men she loved happy.
She made one poor choice after another and quickly found herself working in the sex industry.
It started when Crissy discovered a modeling website and submitted photos. She immediately received offers to do porn. Feeling as though she had nothing more to lose, she took her first shoot. One shoot led to next.
Her ongoing search for love, and little personal support, kept her in the porn industry. It was something she never dreamed she would end up doing, but the doting photographers and the affirming fans seemed to fill her heart's empty places. Willing to do anything for "love," she sacrificed anything to get it...even abuse. She met a man who took over managing her porn career and pushed her to do more hardcore shoots. For three and a half years of the seven years Crissy was in the industry, she was in a physically and emotionally abusive relationship with a man who took all over her money. He was what people in the sex industry call a “suitcase pimp.”
After several suicide attempts, Crissy left that relationship with the help of her personal assistant. One night, she cried out to God and asked Him to prove He was real. Nothing she knew about God was what she learned about in Sunday school as a child. She thought no one would ever love a woman like her because she had made so many mistakes. She felt dirty and alone. She prayed for God to send her a sign. He did. A couple of days later, He sent a new friend into her life who told her about Jesus. She knew without a doubt God has used him to help her break free. That day, Crissy left the porn industry and has never looked back.
The Bible says you will find God when you seek Him with ALL of your heart. That’s what she did, and what God has done for Crissy, He can do for you as well. God sent His son to die on the cross to save us from the penalty of our sins. If you repent and turn away from your sin and allow Him into your heart, you too will be saved. All you have to do is accept His love. It is a free gift and cannot be earned. You can have a new life and a second chance just like Crissy.
It’s been over a decade and, by God’s grace, Crissy’s life has changed drastically. She has been sharing her story across the United States and as far as South Africa. Her story has been featured on the news, gossip magazines, GQ, several documentaries and numerous websites including Playboy! Crissy met a wonderful man who loves Jesus and married him. Crissy spends much of her time helping women in various stages of the sex industry and runs a support group in Houston, Texas. That’s her passion! She also has a “fun” job selling cosmetics. If you love makeup too, send her a message through the contact form and she will give you more info! God bless you all.
Women in the sex industry who say they wanted to leave but had no other means for survival.
Women in prostitution who say they have been raped 5 or more times.
Percentage of women trafficked into the commercial sex industry (strip clubs, etc.)

Directing a serious television miniseries like Ten Million Throwaways, there was no doubt in my mind that Crissy Outlaw was the perfect person to cast. Without question, Crissy brings an incredible wealth of knowledge to this project having formerly being in the porn industry, and is now inspiring other women and raising awareness about the long term effects of pornography on both sides of the camera. What inspired me more, was the fact she has been incredibly transformed through it all, and has now found true love in her married life, out of the industry. Crissy is the most giving, humble and down to earth person I've met in a very long time.
Andrew Douglas - Writer/Director, Ten Million Throwaways
Crissy's life path provides incredible opportunity to discuss with a wide audience questions from slavery and brokenness to freedom, the meaning of life, and ultimately to the message of hope and redemption found in Christ. We were honored to host her for a multi-faceted ministry event at Purdue University and we were well pleased with the response.
Dr. Corey Miller - Purdue University; President of Ratio Christi: Campus Apologetics Alliance
Crissy was fantastic! We interviewed her through video chat with 500+ students...and the students loved it! She was engaging and funny, and clearly communicated the truth of the gospel through her story. We would definitely want to have her back at some point!
Derek King - University of Kentucky, Christian Student Fellowship
We hosted Crissy at our church where she shared her story in multiple Sunday morning gatherings. As Crissy shared, it became clear that many in the crowd resonated with her experiences. While Crissy's story is unique to her, the common theme that connected with all in the room was that of identity, meaning, and hope. Crissy's is a story of redemption, of identity in Christ, of a future and a hope. Her story is one that God is using for His glory and needs to be heard by all.
David Tarkington - First Baptist Church of Orange Park, Florida
Having Crissy come and share her story of Gods Amazing Grace and freedom, enabled us to deal with a subject in the church that is often overlooked and ignored by the church. Crissy's testimony touched the hearts of young and old alike and helped us create a yearly outreach that brings light to the issue of pornography and human trafficking in our world today. Crissy is a genuine trophy of Gods grace and it was my honor to proudly display her story so others may be encouraged and strengthened.
Dirk Currier - Northwoods Assembly Church, Perham, MN
Crissy's story is incredible. Having her share it live with our congregation brought the power of her story to thousands here in Las Vegas.
David Cowan - Creative Arts Pastor of The Crossing in Las Vegas, NV
Crissy shares her story in a genuine and thought-provoking manner; we hope everyone hears and learns from her wisdom and experience!
Cassandra Turner - Students For Life at USC, host of USC's The REAL Sex Week