Powerful video on Facebook

Hey Crissy/Christina and Lawton! Hey I just watched the powerful video on Facebook of Soft White Underbelly, of when your dad had you put all your stuff in trash bags and leave your mom. I never knew you in Jacksonville, but its a great place to be, sorry you had a tough time here. Glad […]

Make it a Merry Christmas

“Tis the season! It’s been a beautiful year full of new and exciting experiences! Here’s a quick overview:   Launched our Houston-based support group for women Provided support group women with fuel, groceries, toiletries, birthday gifts, meals, and professional therapy sessions Featured in White Shadow Films’ Ten Million Throwaways television mini-series Featured in a Next Step Ministries short film Shared my […]

Mark your calendars! Crissy Outlaw will be speaking at the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Global Summit in Washington, DC

“While the problem of sexual exploitation is as immense as ever, opportunities to take new ground abound. Now, more than ever, the burgeoning movement to end sexual exploitation needs to be energized, equipped, encouraged and inspired. Your experience and leadership are vital to harnessing that energy, equipping emerging leaders, and inspiring the next generation to […]

The Lucas Miles Show

Pastor, author, and filmmaker Lucas Miles draws on his 20-years of experience as he interviews top Christian influencers about walking in faith and experiencing the life of their dreams. Miles is the author of Good God: The One We Want To Believe In But Are Afraid To Embrace, which breaks down commonly held misconceptions about God […]

Support Group Has Begun!

Thursday began our first support group meeting of the new season! This time we introduced the ladies to our new therapist, Liz. There were some new faces and some that have been around a little longer. It was such a special night. I loved hearing the women encourage and empower one another. When one cried […]